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DUS Testing of New Varieties of Phalaenopsis in Taiwan Has been Certified the International Standard for Service Management System


        國內植物品種權申請案件從1991年至2018年11月止共有2,272件,其中以蝴蝶蘭為最大宗,蝴蝶蘭品種權申請案件為1,207件,佔總申請案件之53%以上。為加強與其他國家之品種權保護合作,臺灣與歐盟植物品種保護局(CPVO)於2016年3月簽署「臺灣與歐盟植物品種權保護行政協議」,朝臺歐雙方互相採認植物品種性狀檢定報告書為目標。而日本方面則臺灣品種權檢定統籌機構農委會種苗改良繁殖場與主要檢定機構農研機構(NARO)之種苗管理中心( National Center for Seeds and Seedlings, NCSS )於2014年12月簽署合作協議( Memorandum of Agreement ),以加強臺日植物品種保護合作,讓臺灣優良蝴蝶蘭品種能在國際上受到保護並行銷全世界。

        為能提升臺灣蝴蝶蘭品種檢定效益與服務品質以發展執行植物新品種權之品種檢定作業服務及管理能力,本場已於2018年導入國際ISO 9001:2015品質管理系統,針對品種檢定業務之文件管理程序、人事管理程序、顧客回饋矯正措施、設備維護管理、倉庫管理程序、品種檢定植株管理作業、品質手冊維護等進行輔導與稽核,並於同年10月通過SGS認證並獲得英國官方United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS)核發之證書,使台灣蝴蝶蘭新品種檢定邁入國際級標準服務管理系統。未來本場將持續落實執行植物新品種權之品種檢定作業服務品質管理,並為種苗產業提供更好的服務,提升品種檢定品質將臺灣優質的品種推廣至全世界。

聯絡人:行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場 安志豪

聯絡人:行政院農業委員會種苗改良繁殖場 鍾文全

Phalaenopsis is the flagship agricultural product in Taiwan. According to the statistics of Council of Agriculture and Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance, the cultivation area of Phalaenopsis is about 176 hectares, and the export value of seedlings is NT$4,312 million in 2017. Due to the vigorous development of Phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan, there are many plant breeders and more than 2000 varieties in commercial circulation each year. New varieties can always be found and display in an International Orchid Exhibition.

The number of applications for plant variety rights protection is 2,272 cases from 1991 to November 2018, especially in Phalaenopsis with the largest number. The applications number of Phalaenopsis varieties are 1,207 accounting for more than 53% of the total applications. In order to strengthen cooperation on protection of plant variety rights, Taiwan and the European Union Plant Variety Protection Bureau (CPVO) signed the “Taiwan and EU Plant Variety Rights Protection Administrative Agreement” in March 2016 for achieving a consensus on mutually accepting the DUS (distinctness, uniformity and stability) technical reports made by both side. As regards cooperation with Japan, the National Center for Seeds and Seedlings (NCSS) signed a cooperation agreement on plant variety protection in December, 2014 with Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (TSIPS), COA, within DUS testing to promote the quality of DUS testing. Therefore, international cooperation will enable the excellent varieties of Phalaenopsis of Taiwan to be protected internationally and marketed around the world.

In order to improve service quality, efficiency and management capabilities of DUS testing of Phalaenopsis in Taiwan, the international ISO 9001:2015 quality management system has been introduced since 2018, including counseling and audit for the document management procedures for the DUS testing, personnel management procedures, customer feedback correction measures, equIPMent maintenance management, warehouse management procedures, plant management for DUS testing, quality manual maintenance, etc. In October of the same year, TSIPS got SGS certification and received the official certificate issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

In the future, TSIPS will continue to implement the quality management of the DUS testing service as well as providing better services for the seedling industry and promoting high-quality varieties of Taiwan to the world.

Contact: An, Chih-Hao. Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, COA, Executive Yuan, R.O.C(Taiwan)

TEL:+886-4-25825459, E-mail:lily7423@tss.gov.tw

Contact: Chung, Wen-Chuan. Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, COA, Executive Yuan , R.O.C(Taiwan)
