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‘T.S.S. No.1-Pink Pearl’: A Double-Flowered and Fragrant Amaryllis Cultivar

‘T.S.S. No.1-Pink Pearl’: A Double-Flowered and Fragrant Amaryllis Cultivar

This study aims to breed new Hippeastrum cultivar with long scape, double-flowered, red color flower and fragrance.

The single-flowered ‘San Remo’ was used as a seed parent and double-flowered ‘Blossom Peacock’ as a pollen parent that has normal, defective, and petaloid stamens containing pollen.

       Results indicated that pollen germination rate did not differ among pollen sources from various anther types. ‘T.S.S. No.1- Pink Peral’ was bred and selected. Leaves are lorate with obtuse apices and entire margins, 60 to 70 cm long, and 5 to 6.5 cm wide. Coloration of the upper surface is RHS green 146B and the lower surface is RHS green 137B. Scapes are 60 to 70 cm tall, hollow, 2 cm in diameter, two to three per bulb, each bearing four flowers per scape; pedicels are 5.5 to 6.5 cm long. The tepal is 17.5 to 19.5 cm long, 17 to 19 cm wide laterally. The tepal number is 18 to 21 and with 0-2 petaloid stamens. The tepals are slightly undulate along their margins. The outer tepals are broadly elliptic, 10 to 11 cm long, and 6-7 cm wide at their broadest, with RHS red 50A margin and RHS red 45B spots. The inner tepals are elliptic, 9 to 10 cm, and 3-5 cm wide at their broadest. The flower color pattern is picotee with light fragrant. Ovary shape is ellipsoid, 18 to 24 mm long, 8 to 10 mm wide, RHS green 141C.