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(A)    期刊論文(Refereed PAPER)

  • Ming-Hwi Yao, Yung-Heng Hsu, Ting-Yi Li, Yung-Ming Chen, Chun-Tang Lu, Chi-Ling Chen, Pei-Yu Shih. 2024. Agricultural Disaster Prevention System: Insights from Taiwan's Adaptation Strategies. Atmosphere , 15(5), 526; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos15050526

  • JenYu Chang, Lisa Tang. 2023. Manipulating female flower intensity in 'Yu Her Pau' litchi by delayed winter pruning. Horticultural Sciences, 18(1), 138–141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24154/jhs.v18i1.2156
  • Asif Hameed, Yu-Pei Chen, Fo-Ting Shen, Shih-Yao Lin, Hsin-I Huang, Yu-Wen Lin, Chiu-Chung Young. 2023. Evaluation of a subtropical maize-rice rotation system maintained under long-term fertilizer inputs for sustainable intensification of agriculture. Applied Soil Biology. 184(2023): 104772. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2022.104772 
  • Hsu, C. H., Cheng, F. Y., Chen, C. L., Wu, D. H., Chen, T. Y., Liao, K. F., Lay, W. L. & Zhang, Y. T. 2023. A high-resolution inventory of ammonia emissions from agricultural fertilizer application and crop residue in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment. 119920. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119920
  • Ouyang, Z., Jackson, R. B., McNicol, G., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Runkle, B. R., Papale, D., ..., Chen, C. L., ... & Zhang, Y. 2023. Paddy rice methane emissions across Monsoon Asia. Remote Sens Environment. 284:113335. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113335
  • JenYu Chang, Lisa Tang, Mei-Li Lin, Yu-An Chang, Jer-Way Chang. 2022. Inflorescence pruning and cincturing after full female bloom improve 'Yu Her Pau' litchi (Litchi chinensis) fruit bearing. Fruits. 77(4): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.17660/th2022/016
  • Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Chi-Ling Chen. 2022. Taiwan Agricultural Ecosystem Plant Investigation Methodology for Evaluating Agricultural Ecosystem Services. Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea (PNIE). 3(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.22920/PNIE.2022.3.1.1
  • Ritika Kaushal, Yu-Hsin Hsueh, Chi-Ling Chen, Yi-Ping Lan, Ping-Yu Wu, Yi-Chun Chen, Mao-Chang Liang. 2022. Isotopic assessment of soil N2O emission from a sub-tropical agricultural soil under varying N-inputs. Science of the Total Environment. 827(2022): 154311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154311
  • Ming‑Chih Chiu, Chi‑Ling Chen, Chun‑Wei Chen, Hsing‑Juh Lin. 2022. Weather fluctuation can override the effects of integrated nutrient management on fungal disease incidence in the rice fields in Taiwan. Scientific Reports. 12(1): 4273. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-08139-7
  • Yo-Jin Shiau, Yuanfeng Cai, Zhongjun Jia, Chi-Ling Chen, Chih-Yu Chiu. 2018. Phylogenetically distinct methanotrophs modulate methane oxidation in rice paddies across Taiwan. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124, 59-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.05.025
  • Ika Djukic, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Inger Kappel Schmidt, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Claus Beier, Björn Berg, Kris Verheyen, TeaComposition (Chi-Ling Chen, … et al.). 2018. Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment. 628-629, 1369-1394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.012
  • Jan Dick, Daniel Orenstein, Jennifer Holzer, Christoph Wohner, Anne-Laure Achard, Christopher Andrews, Noa Avriel-Avni, Pedro Beja, Nadège Blond, Javier Cabello, Chiling Chen, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, Georgios Giannakis, Simone Gingrich, Zita Izakovicova, Kinga Krauze, Nicolas Lamouroux, Stefan Leca, Viesturs Melecis, Kertész Miklós, Maria Mimikou, Georg Niedrist, Christophe Piscart, Carmen Postolache, Alexander Psomas, Margarida Santos-Reis, Ulrike Tappeiner, Kristin Vanderbilt, and Gunther Van Ryckegem. 2018. What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms. Science of the Total Environment. 622–623, 1225–1240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.324


(B)     研討會論文(Conference PAPER)

  • Chang, J., L. Tang, Y. T. Zhang, and J. W. Chang. 2023. Improved methods to estimate the optimized inflorescence size for 'Rose Red' litchi fruit set. AHC2023. Aug. 28-30. Tokyo, Japan.
  • Chang, J., C. C. Pan, D. J. Liao, R. C. Wang, J. K. Tsai, C. L. Chen. 2023. Harvest index is reduced by high nitrogen application in monocropping paddy rice. Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges. Jun. 20-22. Harpenden, UK.
  • Chang, J., Y. W. Ho, C. N. Tao, and J. W. Chang. 2023. The unique LcFT1 gene sequence linked to early-flowering in the tropical litchi 'Khom'. Acta Hortic. 1362:389–396. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1362.52
  • J. Chang, J. H. Hu, J. K. Tsai, M. Y. Chen, C. C. Pan, M. Y. Chiang, and C. L. Chen. 2022. Application of IoT tools on long-term ecological research of agroecosystems. 2022 Agro-ecosystem LTER Symposium. Aug. 26. Miaoli, Taiwan.
  • Chang, J., Y. W. Ho, C. N. Tao, and J. W. Chang. 2022. The unique LcFT1 gene sequence linked to early-flowering in the tropical litchi 'Khom'. International Horticultural Congress 2022. Aug. 18. Angers, France.
  • Ho, Y. W., J. Chang, P. C. Liao, C. C. Wu, and C. N. Wang. 2022. Determinate to be indeterminate: Diversification of meristem gene regulatory network between sexual and asexual reproduction in Titanotrichum (Gesnariaceae). Botany 2022. Jul. 24-27. Alaska, USA.
  • JenYu Chang, Yi-Wen Ho, Chia-Nan Tao, Jer-Way Chang. 2022. The unique LcFT1 gene sequence linked to early-flowering in the tropical litchi ‘Khom’. International Symposium on Breeding and Effective Use of Biotechnology and Molecular Tools in Horticultural Crops (IHC 2022). pp. 8/14-20. Angers, France.
  • 張仁育、唐漢芸、陳柱中、張哲瑋、陳琦玲。2022。「玉荷包」荔枝花序萌發量化模式研究。「2022年環境永續與土壤管理技術研究成果發表研討會(一)」論文集。pp.11。4/24。農業試驗所,臺中。
  • JenYu Chang, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Chien-Hui Syu, Chia-Chen Pan, Ping-Fu Hou, Chi-Ling Chen. 2022. Massive SOC accumulation from organic paddy rice supports Taiwan on the way to the goal of “4 per 1000 Initiative”. 4p1000 Fair - EU Green Week 2022 “Healthy Soil for a Healthy Climate”
  • 許北辰、董耀仁、石憲宗、李奇峯、曾美容、陳淑佩、李啟陽、許育慈、林立、陳泰元、劉東憲、莊國鴻、陳盈丞。2022。農業生態系長期昆蟲普查。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 9-29。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 蔡正國、張仁育、陳琦玲。2022。臺灣農業生態系植物調查方法學之建立。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 30-40。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 郭聆亦、張明暉、鄭智元、簡仲生。2022。有機、慣行與友善耕作農法對於土壤微生物菌相影響之初探。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 41-49。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 林芳妘、陳淑娟、林麗淑、謝玉貞。2022。農業環境蚯蚓多樣性調查研究。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 50-60。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 林大利、林湧倫、杜昀珊。2022。鳥類、兩棲類與爬行類類群多樣性。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 61-71。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 許自研、吳豐成。2022。高屏地區養殖漁村水池水質長期監測初探。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 72-87。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 黃玉如、蔡正國、張仁育、林儒宏。2022。生態茶園微氣象及土壤水分監測之應用。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 88-95。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 潘佳辰、陳琦玲、張仁育、王瑞章、廖大經。2022。施肥量對水稻植株微氣候之影響-以農業長期生態監測站為例。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 96-104。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 張勵婉、陳建文、張哲彰、鄭美如。2022。生態監測資料管理與開放資料。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 105-111。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 張仁育、胡正宏、蔡正國、陳孟妘、潘佳辰、江明耀、陳琦玲。2022。物聯網技術應用於農業長期生態監測。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 112-119。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 林湧倫、林大利。2022。零門檻公民科學平台iNaturalist。2022年農業生態系長期生態研討會專刊。pp. 120-129。8/26-27。西湖鄉農特產品展售綜合活動中心,苗栗。
  • 陳琦玲、蔡正國、陳孟妘。2021。氣候變遷對水稻生產之影響。「2021台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會」論文集。10/21。逢甲大學,臺中。
  • Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Chi-Ling Chen, Jheng-Hong Hu, I-Hsin Sung, Sheng-Shan Lu, Ya-Ling Lin, Chia-Chen Pan, Chih-Feng Chiang, Jer-Way Chang, Dah-Jing Liao, Rei-Chang Wang, Chin-Shing Chang, Ru-Hong Lin, and Wei-Ting Hwang. 2021. Long-Term Effect of Different Farming Practices on Crop Yield, Biodiversity, and Environment in Central Taiwan. Proceeding of "13th International Long-Term Ecological Research - East Asia-Pacific Regional Network Regional Conference (2021 ILTER-EAP) ". 9/8-9. Bangkok, Thailand. (視訊會議)
  • Chi-Ling Chen, Ya-Hui Shih, Ming-Chieh Lin, Jheng-Hong Hu. 2021. Soil Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Development of Agricultural under Climate Change in Taiwan. 4p1000 Fair - EU Green Week 2021" Reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases by improving soil health!" 5/3.
  • 陳琦玲、石憲宗、陳健忠、林朝欽、張繼中、張素貞、賴瑞聲、林立、潘佳辰、莊國鴻、陳泰元、嚴國維、許自研。2021。農業生態系長期生態監測擴站計畫之初步成果。「2021農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp. 9-10。10/7。臺東區農業改良場,臺東。(視訊會議)
  • 蔡正國、陳琦玲、胡正宏、宋一鑫、陸聲山、林雅玲、潘佳辰、江志峰、張仁育、張哲瑋、廖大經、王瑞章、張錦興、林儒宏、黃維廷。2021。不同農法對台灣中部作物產量、生物多樣性和環境的長期影響。「2021年環境永續與土壤管理技術研究成果發表研討會(二)」論文集。10/26。農業試驗所,臺中。
  • Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Szu-Yang Wu, Chi-Ling Chen. 2020. Impact of Long-Term Agricultural Disturbance on the Biodiversity of Weed Communities in Central Taiwan. Proceeding of “Congress of Animal Behavior and Ecology”. pp. 19. 1/14-15. National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu. (Poster)
  • 陸聲山、林朝欽、陳琦玲。2020。生態文件建置與檢核研習會。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.2-4。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。
  • 陳琦玲、郭鴻裕、石憲宗、陳健忠、林朝欽、楊藹華、林儒宏、張素貞、賴瑞聲、張繼中、莊國鴻、陳泰元、潘佳辰、林立。2020。農業生態系長期生態研究回顧與展望。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.12-15。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。
  • 黃靖倫、蔡正國、陳琦玲。2020。環境與人為操作對田埂草類生物相影響--以溪口與雲林分場為例。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.56-57。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 蔡正國、施雅惠、陳琦玲、吳泓書、張錦興、王瑞章。2020。應用 DNDC 模式模擬全球暖化對台灣中部水稻及落花生生產之影響。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.66-67。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 廖崇億、陳琦玲、林旻頡、鄭丞孝、馮浦捷、蔡徵霖、莊秉潔。2020。台灣中部不同肥料型態與期作之水田甲烷排放調查。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.70-71。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 陳彥匡、陳琦玲、吳泓書、王瑞章、張錦興。2020。台灣農業生態系之氮素淋洗監測。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.72-73。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 蔡正國、陳琦玲、張哲瑋、張仁育、吳泓書、廖大經、楊藹華、張錦興、王瑞章、林儒宏、蔡志濃、陳純葳、余志儒、蕭巧玲。2020。長期降低投入對農業生態系生產力與生物多樣性之影響研究。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.74-76。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 胡正宏、陳彥匡、周巧盈、廖崇億、陳琦玲。2020。應用 ICT 技術監測農業長期試驗站之水份滲漏。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.77-79。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 林岳君、陳琦玲。2020。農業生態系服務價值初探。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.82-83。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 吳宗翰、陳琦玲。2020。永續農業對農業生態系的效益及其韌性。「農業生態系長期生態研究研討會」論文集。pp.84-85。9/2-3。農業試驗所,臺中。(Poster)
  • 蔡正國、陳彥匡、巫思揚、陳宥延、賴建志、陳琦玲。2019。農業操作對水田無尾目物種多樣性之影響。「2019兩岸濕地聯合研討會」論文集。pp. 115.。5/4-5。中山大學,高雄。
  • Chiling Chen, Chong-Yi Liao, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Dah-Jing Liao, Hong-Shu Wu, Chin-Shing Chang, Rei-Chang Wang. 2019. Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Crop Production and Greenhouse Gas Emission in central Taiwan by DNDC model. Proceeding of “2019 International Long Term Ecological Research Network 2nd Open Science Meeting”. 9/2-8. Leipzig, Germany.
  • Chi-Ling Chen, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Jheng-Hong Hu, Szu-Yang Wu, Ru-Hong Lin, and Wei-Tin Huang. 2019. Evaluating the Benefit of Practice for Satoyama Initiative by Applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Proceeding of “International Symposium on Implementing the Satoyama Initiative for the Benefit of Biodiversity and Human Well-being”. pp. 25-35. 9/17-18. Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Hualien.
  • 陳琦玲、廖崇億、蔡正國、林旻頡、廖大經、吳泓書、張錦興、王瑞章。2019。應用DNDC模式模擬氣候變遷對作物生長與溫室氣體排放之影響。「作物生長模式於農業之應用研討會」論文集。p.5。10/14。農業試驗所,臺中。
  • Chiling Chen. 2019. Long Term Ecological Research on Agricultural Ecosystem. Proceeding of “2019 SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting”. pp. 10/23-25. Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory, Hualien.
  • Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Chi-Ling Chen. 2019. Impact of Long-Term Agricultural Disturbance on the Weed Diversity in Central Taiwan. Proceeding of “2019 SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting”. pp. 10/23-25. Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory, Hualien. (Poster)
  • 胡正宏、陳彥匡、陳琦玲。2019。資訊與通訊技術應用於農業監測。Proceeding of “2019 SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting”. pp. 10/23-25. Hualien Tourism Sugar Factory, Hualien. (Poster)
  • Jheng-Hong Hu, Yan-Kuang Chan, Chi-Ling Chen. 2019. Internet of Things Technology Applied in Monitoring and Warning of Spondoptera litura Fabricius (Tobacco Cutworm). Proceeding of “2019 Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (2019 APFITA)”. pp. 44-45. 10/30-31. Feng Chia University, Taichung.
  • Chi-Ling Chen, Chiao-Ying Chou, Ming-Chieh Lin, Jheng-Hong Hu, and Wei-Tin Huang. 2019. Evaluation of Practices for Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration to mitigate Climate Change in Taiwan. Proceeding of “14th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS)”. pp. 11/3-8. National Taiwan University, Taipei.
  • Chiling Chen, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Jheng-Hong Hu, Yan-Kwan Chan. 2019. Taiwan–Korea Network Building on Ecological Information by EcoBank Platform. Proceeding of “Development of Integrated Network on Ecological Informations”. pp. 12/12-13. Sueur, South Korea.
  • 宋明儒、陳琦玲、林幸助。2018。雙連埤濕地及七家灣濕地碳匯功能調查。「2018動物行為暨生態研討會」論文集。Poster Session。1/22-23。清華大學,新竹。
  • Yin-Jen Wu, Hung-Yu Dai, Chu-Chung Chen, Dennis Timlin, Chi-Ling Chen. 2018. Impact assessment of climate change on maize yield in central Taiwan by MAISIM. Proceeding of “2018 ASA & CSSA Annual Meeting”. pp. 98. 11/4-7. Baltimore, USA.
  • Chi-Ling Chen, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Jer-Way Chang, Jen-Yu Chang, Hong-Shu Wu, Dah-Jing Liao, Chin-Shing Chang, Rei-Chang Wang, Ru-Hong Lin, Jyh-Nong Tsai, Chun-Wei Chen, Jih-Zu Yu, Chiao-Ling Hsiao. 2018. Impact of long-term low input on the production and biodiversity of agricultural ecosystem. Proceeding of “2018 ILTER & 12th ILTER-EAP Joint Conference”. Poster Session. 10/14-19. The Lin Hotel, Taichung. (Poster)
  • Chi-Ling Chen, Ming-Chieh Lin, Dah-Jing Liao, Chin-Shing Chang, Rei-Chang Wang, Yan-Kuang Chan, Jenn-Kuo Tsai. 2018. Nitrogen cycles of different cropping systems in the long-term ecological research in agricultural ecosystem in central Taiwan. Proceeding of “2018 ILTER & 12th ILTER-EAP Joint Conference”. Session 3. 10/14-19. The Lin Hotel, Taichung.


(C)     專書&專書論文

  • Chi-Ling Chen, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Jheng-Hong Hu, Szu-Yang Wu, Ru-Hong Lin, and Wei-Ting Huang. 2019. Evaluating of the Satoyama Initiative Practices through Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Implementing the Satoyama Initiative for the Benefit of Biodiversity and Human Well-being. pp. 55-75. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) for the Asian and Pacific Region. ISBN: 978-986-99366-2-0.


(D)    技術報告&其它

  • 林語玥、張仁育、陳琦玲. 支持永續農業發展之生態系服務給付政策—借鏡日本及歐盟策略. 2024. 農業世界. 486:64-70.

  • 董耀仁、楊婉秀、許北辰、李奇峰、曾美容、張仁育、陳琦玲、石憲宗. 台灣慣行與有機農作環境中瓢蟲種類組成差異. 2023. 台灣農業研究72(4):343–358.

  • 許北辰、董耀仁、楊婉秀、陳琦玲、石憲宗. 慣行與永續農法對水稻田瓢蟲之影響. 2022. 台灣農業研究. 71(4):321-330.

  • Chi-Ling Chen, JenYu Chang, Jenn-Kuo Tsai, Szu-Yang Wu, and Jheng-Hong Hu. 2022. Sampling team of the month: ChiayiCity, Taiwan. Lifeplan Newsletter (Online newsletter). https://www2.helsinki.fi/sites/default/files/atoms/files/lifeplan_newsletter_may_2022.pdf