首頁 / 鮪魚、鮪漁業資訊區 / 水試所_「鮪」相關研究 / 箱網短期育肥之黃鰭鮪的成長表現與脂肪量分析


       鮪類資源有限,但全球市場對於鮪類的消費需求仍非常強勁,善用捕獲的幼魚發展合理化鮪類外海箱網養殖,為全球矚目的議題。本研究旨在探討箱網短期育肥黃鰭鮪技術,瞭解其成長率、餌料效率及體肌肉粗脂肪含量。結果得知,1 kg以下之黃鰭鮪幼魚經12個月飼育,每個月可增重0.65–0.75 kg,魚體重成長至9–10 kg,尾叉長80–82 cm,尾叉長每日增加1.24 mm,日比成長率 (SGR) 為0.66–0.80%,飼料效率 (FE) 約10%。魚體肌肉之粗脂肪,經1個月飼育魚體重2–3 kg,其含量為2.2%,經7個月飼育魚體重5–6 kg,其含量達11.6%,為野生魚10倍以上。本研究成果有助於發展黃鰭鮪養殖所需基礎資料,可供爾後商業化箱網養殖經營之效益分析,降低投資風險。善用臺灣周邊海域豐富的黃鰭鮪幼魚資源,發展外海箱網養殖,不僅可提供市場高品質生魚片食材,提高養殖黃鰭鮪的商品行情,且可促進鮪類繁養殖技術開發,有助於鮪類的資源保育。

       While there are limited tuna resources in the ocean, the global market continues to have a strong demand for tuna. The use of captured juvenile tuna fish to develop offshore cage cultures of tuna has attracted worldwide attention. This study aimed to explore the short-term fattening of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and investigate the growth rate, feed efficiency, and crude fat content of tuna under cage culture. After tuna were cultured in a cage for 12 months, the body weight of a 1-kg juvenile yellowfin tuna reached 9-10 kg, with a 0.65-0.75 kg increase per month. The fork length of the tuna reached 80-82 cm, with a 1.24 mm increment per day. Specific growth rate (SGR) was 0.66%-0.80%, and feed efficiency was around 10%. The crude lipid levels of 2-3 kg yellowfin tuna cultured for one month and 5-6 kg yellowfin tuna cultured for seven months were 2.2% and 11.6%, respectively. The crude lipid levels of the fish cultured for seven months were 10 times higher than those of wild fish. The results of this study will contribute to the development of yellowfin tuna offshore cage cultures in Taiwan, which is achieved through the use of the abundant resources of juvenile yellowfin tunas in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. This will supply markets with high-quality sashimi-grade fish, improve the prices of yellowfin tuna products, and promote the development of yellowfin tuna aquaculture technologies, which will contribute to tuna resource conservation efforts.

楊清閔、余淑楓、黃建智、翁進興、周瑞良、李彥宏、吳龍靜 (2017) 。箱網短期育肥之黃鰭鮪的成長表現與脂肪量分析。水產研究,頁13-22。