Sustainable development of crop production under the climate changes in Asia
For the future food security, the status of world crop production must be carefully monitored. At present, the negative impacts of climate changes are anticipated to give adverse influences on agricultural production. In this study, the present status of the crop production in the world and tropics was studied in comparison to the recent past and the tendencies were analyzed. The tropics have increased the importance in the world agricultural production and special attentions were given to the production in the tropics. Recently, world 3 major cereals production has been high and stable. Annual production in recent several years could feed more than 10 billion people if all the harvested crops were delivered fairly and equally and consumed for food only. This stably large production has been realized by the development of agricultural technologies, farm management improvement, cropping systems optimization, etc. General stability of the society in the world may have contributed too. Based on the agricultural statistics of recent several decades, the causes of the present high crop productivities and future prospect of world food production is discussed.
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