首頁孤挺花知識交流孤挺花參考文獻 孤挺花參考文獻 序號 發布日期 標題 21. 111/01/12 重瓣及香氣孤挺花品種之選育 22. 111/01/10 Chemical and biological studies of the South African Amaryllidaceae genera Crinum, Ammocharis, Amaryllis, Cyrtanthus and Brunsvigia 23. 111/01/10 First Report of Natural Infection by Capsicum Chlorosis Virus on Amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum) Plants from India 24. 111/01/10 Flower senescence and some postharvest considerations of Amaryllis belladonna cut scapes 25. 111/01/10 Amaryllis belladonna L. (Amaryllidaceae; Amaryllidoideae), first record as naturalised geophyte in Tunisia and North Africa 第 2/2 頁,共 25 筆上一頁到第12頁每頁103070筆資料