滲透潛勢 osmotic potential
2 則
小魚 發表於 102/03/29
英文解釋="The passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions of different concentrations. A semipermeable membrane is one through which the molecules of a solvent can pass but the molecules of most solutes cannot. There is a thermodynamic tendency for solutions separated by such a membrane to become equal in concentration, the water (or other solvent) flowing from the weaker to the stronger solution. Osmosis will stop when the two solutions reach equal concentration, and can also be stopped by applying a pressure to the liquid on the stronger-solution side of the membrane. The pressure required to stop the flow from a pure solvent into a solution is a characteristic of the solution, and is called the osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure depends only on the concentration of particles in the solution, not on their nature. (Source: DICCHE)"
英文解釋="The passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions of different concentrations. A semipermeable membrane is one through which the molecules of a solvent can pass but the molecules of most solutes cannot. There is a thermodynamic tendency for solutions separated by such a membrane to become equal in concentration, the water (or other solvent) flowing from the weaker to the stronger solution. Osmosis will stop when the two solutions reach equal concentration, and can also be stopped by applying a pressure to the liquid on the stronger-solution side of the membrane. The pressure required to stop the flow from a pure solvent into a solution is a characteristic of the solution, and is called the osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure depends only on the concentration of particles in the solution, not on their nature. (Source: DICCHE)"
傳哥 發表於 102/01/30
溶液之濃度可影響溶液之滲透潛勢(Y p ),液體滲調之原理即藉滲調溶液之滲透潛勢調節種子之含水量,種子內含水量之多寡影響種子內生理代謝活動進行,如溶液之滲透潛勢愈低則水分進入種子愈慢且少,則無法有效活化及促進種子發芽;若滲透潛勢愈高則水分進入種子愈快且多,則對低活力之種子或抑制種子發芽之因素無法調節及克服,因而無法達滲調之目的。滲調時一些鹽類離子進入胚,造成影響為增加種子內滲透潛勢,使種子吸水量增加因而降低滲調後種子發芽率,而影響離子進入胚之因素如種子大小及構造、滲調天數等。