A study of buckwheat Taichung No.2 applying to type 2 diabetic mice
(1) Background: Buckwheat is an ancient cultivatable crop containing various nutrients and flavonoids with wide range of health benefits including
anti-diabetes. By using recently developed new species of buckwheat (Taichung No.2), the aim of the current study is to evaluate anti-diabetes effects of
Taichung No.2 on type 2 diabetic mice induced by high fat diet combined with streptozotocin injection.; (2) Methods: Type 2 diabetic mice fed with 3%
and 10% Taichung No.2 in diet were measured for weekly fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, HOMAindex, pancreatic histopathology, and endocrine hormone
profile.; (3) Results: Consumption of 10% Taichung No.2 in diet provided hypoglycemic effects. Improvement of beta-cell function appeared to be the
main reason for blood glucose lowering effects. The increment GLP-l, adiponectin, and leptin levels were observed in mice with Taichung No.2
supplement. (4) Conclusions: Taichung No.2 consumption provides its health benefits related to GLP-1 mediated hypoglycemic and beta-cell protective
effects on T2D subjects.
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