Comparison of intestinal health promotion potential between Prunus armeniaca seed and Rheum rhabarbarum in healthy rats
Cereal and pseudocereal are widely used in the traditional Chinese medicinal practice. Based on a Chinese proverb “lung and intestine being interior-exteriorly related”, it is traditionally believed that Prunus armeniaca seed is able to promote the health of lung and gut by relieving cough and constipation simultaneously. This study was aimed to investigate the potential of Prunus armeniaca seed powder in promoting a healthy gut environment and was compared with Rheum rhabarbarum which is commonly used as cure for constipation. Rats were fed daily with P. armeniaca and R. rhabarbarum samples and different fecal parameters were assessed after 7 days of feeding. Although only R. rhabarbarum was able to markedly elevate fecal moisture and decrease intestinal transit time, it was revealed that the ability of P. armeniaca and R. rhabarbarum to enhance the growth of Lactobacillus spp. were comparable in contrast to normal control group. These results showed that both P. armeniaca and R. rhabarbarum ingestion possessed potential prebiotic properties. These findings at least in part supported the above traditional proverb, a culture heritage in using these materials for dietary therapy in intestinal health maintenance.
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