添加花粉對外米綴蛾 (Corcyra cephalonica) 產卵量及生活史的影響
生物防治是有害生物綜合管理中重要的方法,外米綴蛾 (Corcyra cephalonica) 為世界重要的倉儲害蟲,然而其新鮮卵粒卻能夠作為多種重要天敵寄生蜂最有效的代用寄主。本試驗以米糠、大豆粉及花粉為原料,依文獻與飼養經驗調配4 種不同比例的配方,分別飼養外米綴蛾並測量 (1) 雌成蟲累積出現率;(2) 雌蟲百分比;(3) 雌蟲重;(4) 產卵量;(5) 百卵重;(6) 每毫升卵的生產成本,期能提升卵粒生產的質量。結果顯示以花粉10% 配方飼養的外米綴蛾雌成蟲,不僅能縮短生活史且能提早羽化、其他生長參數亦優於其他處理,顯示花粉對外米綴蛾的大量飼養極具營養價值。然而比較每毫升卵粒的生產成本,添加花粉所需成本雖高於其他3 配方,但每隻雌蛾成蟲的平均產卵量高達157.19 ± 12 粒,與目前報導最佳的雌蛾產卵紀錄166.63 粒接近。花粉富含多種維生素,確定為有效且經濟的外米綴蛾卵粒的添加物。未來將測試花粉有效的最低比例,以期應用於自動化生產,優化寄生蜂生物防治的完整產程。
Biological control is an essential method in integrated pest management. Although Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) is a vital storage pest, its fresh eggs can be the most effective alternative host for various important natural enemies and parasitoid wasps. In this experiment, rice bran, soybean powder, and pollen were mixed with four different proportions according to Literature and feeding experience and measured (1) the cumulative occurrence rate of female adults, (2) percentage of females, (3) female weight, (4) the fecundity, (5) 100 eggs weight, and (6) the production cost per milliliter of the egg is expected to improve the quality of fecundity. The results showed that the adult females reared with 10% pollen could shorten the life cycle and early eclosion and have better growth parameters than other treatments. Therefore, pollen was of great nutritional value for the mass-rearing external rice moths. However, compared with the production cost per milliliter of eggs, the cost of adding pollen treatment is higher than that of the other three formulas. Still, the fecundity of each female moth is as high as 157.19 ± 12, which is quite close to the best fecundity record of 166.63 in the literature. Pollen is rich in a variety of vitamins. Further fine-tuning and experiments are needed to determine the effective and economical addition of pollen to the moth’s eggs. The adequate minimum proportion of pollen should be determined as well. As such, biological control materials with high quality, yield, and more economical cost can be applied to automatic production and optimize the whole production process of parasitoid wasp biological control.
消費者知識庫 > 植物保護類 > 病蟲害監測與防治 > 糧食作物病蟲害監測與防治
消費者知識庫 > 植物保護類 > 其他有害生物為害與防治
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