首頁原生野花應用民俗應用與研究文獻 民俗應用與研究文獻 序號 發布日期 標題 1. 107/09/17 爵床科-爵床.哈亨花 2. 107/09/17 臺灣原生觀賞植物專刊-各論-菊科,山菊、馬蘭 3. 107/09/17 臺灣原生觀賞植物專刊-各論-馬鞭草科,龍船花、山茉莉、過江藤 4. 107/09/17 臺灣原生觀賞植物專刊-各論-桑科,越橘葉蔓榕 5. 107/09/17 臺灣原生觀賞植物專刊-各論-玄参科,倒地蜈蚣 6. 107/09/17 臺灣原生觀賞植物專刊-各論-千屈菜科,圓葉節節菜 7. 107/09/14 水生植物在休閒生態之應用 8. 107/09/14 Hypolipidemic activity of Eclipta prostroata (L.) L. leaf exreactin atherogenic diet induced hyperlipodemic rats. 9. 107/09/14 Screening of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of leaves of Eclipta prostrata (L) 10. 107/09/14 黃花蜜菜萃取物對小鼠肝細胞與巨噬細胞之抗發炎活性探討 11. 107/09/14 Chemical Constituents from Lobelia chinensis and Their Anti-virus and Anti-inflammatory Bioactivities 12. 107/09/14 探索島嶼瀕危植物-鈴木草屬的天空 13. 107/09/14 Antioxidant Activities of Total Phenols of Prunella vulgaris L.in Vitro and in Tumor-bearing Mice 14. 107/09/14 台灣產筋骨草屬植物降血糖功能及其活性成分之研究 15. 107/09/14 Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Compounds Isolated fromMesona procumbens Hemsl. 16. 107/09/14 Contributions of Major Components to the Antimutagenic Effect of Hsian-tsao (Mesona procumbens Hemsl.) 17. 107/09/14 Inhibitory effects of Scutellaria barbata D. Don on human uterine leiomyomal smooth muscle cell proliferationthrough cell cycle analysis 18. 107/09/14 Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Methanol Extract from Desmodium triflorum DC in Mice 19. 107/09/14 農田的綠色地毯-蠅翼草 20. 107/09/14 果園草生栽培地被植物介紹 第 1/2 頁,共 26 筆到第12頁下一頁每頁103070筆資料