公佈日期:106 年 03 月 06 日
1.林再發1990 白葉枯病對水稻產量與米質之影響及抗病品系之育成台中區農業改良場研究彙報29:29-38.
2.郭忠德、楊晴美、楊玉雲,謝式坢鈺1968 臺灣水稻白葉枯病之病原細菌及其噬菌體之品系與分佈植保會刊10(3):1-8.
3.謝式坢鈺2003 水稻白葉枯病植物保護圖鑑系列8 ─水稻保護:p.326-340 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版臺北。
4.Dokku, P., K.M. Das and G.J.N. Rao. 2013. Pyramiding of four resistance genes of bacterial blight in Tapaswini, an elite rice cultivar, through marker assisted selection. Euphytica 192:87–96
5.Huang, B., J.Y. Xu, M.S. Hou, J. Ali and T.M. Mou. 2012. Introgression of bacterial blight resistance genes Xa7, Xa21, Xa22 and Xa23 into hybrid rice restorer lines by molecular marker-assisted selection. Euphytica 187:449-459.
6.Iyer, A.S. and S.R. McCouch. 2004. The rice bacterial blight resistance gene xa5 encodes a novel form of disease resistance. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 17:1348-54
7.Khoshkdaman, M., A.A. Ebadi, F. Majidi-Shilsar and S. Dariush. 2014. Preliminary evaluation of resistance genes in rice against bacterial leaf blight in Gilan Province-Iran. Agr. Sci. 5:94-98.
8.Kim, S.M., J.P. Suh, Y. Qin, T.H. Noh, R.F. Reinke and K.K. Jena. 2015. Identification and fine-mapping of a new resistance gene, Xa40, conferring resistance to bacterial blight races in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Theor. Appl. Genet., 128:1933-1943
9.Luo, Y., J.S. Sangha, S. Wang, Z. Li, J. Yang and Z. Yin. 2012. Marker-assisted breeding of Xa4, Xa21 and Xa27 in the restorer lines of hybrid rice for broad-spectrum and enhanced disease resistance to bacterial blight. Mol Breed. 30:1601–1610.
10.Sakaguchi, S. 1967. Linkage studies on the resistance to bacterial leaf blight Xamthomonas Oryzae Bull. Natl. Inst. Agric. Scl. D16:1-18
11.Song, W.Y., G.L. Wang, L.L. Chen, H.S. Kim, L.Y. Pi, T. Holsten, J. Gardner, B. Wang, W.X. Zhai, L.H. Zhu, C. Fauquet, P. Ronald. 1995. A receptor kinase like protein encoded by the rice disease resistance gene Xa21. Science 270:1804-1806.
12.Wang, G.L., W.Y. Song, D.L. Ruan, S. Sideris and P.C. Ronald. 1996. The cloned gene, Xa21, confers resistance to multiple Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae isolates in transgenic plants. Mol. Plant Microbiol inter. 9(9):850-855.
13.Xu, J.Y., J.F. Jiang, X.F. Dong, J. Ali, and T.M. Mou, 2012. Introgression of bacterial blight (BB) resistance genes Xa7 and Xa21 into popular restorer line and their hybrids by molecular marker-assisted backcross (MABC) selection scheme. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 11: 8225-8233.
2.郭忠德、楊晴美、楊玉雲,謝式坢鈺1968 臺灣水稻白葉枯病之病原細菌及其噬菌體之品系與分佈植保會刊10(3):1-8.
3.謝式坢鈺2003 水稻白葉枯病植物保護圖鑑系列8 ─水稻保護:p.326-340 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版臺北。
4.Dokku, P., K.M. Das and G.J.N. Rao. 2013. Pyramiding of four resistance genes of bacterial blight in Tapaswini, an elite rice cultivar, through marker assisted selection. Euphytica 192:87–96
5.Huang, B., J.Y. Xu, M.S. Hou, J. Ali and T.M. Mou. 2012. Introgression of bacterial blight resistance genes Xa7, Xa21, Xa22 and Xa23 into hybrid rice restorer lines by molecular marker-assisted selection. Euphytica 187:449-459.
6.Iyer, A.S. and S.R. McCouch. 2004. The rice bacterial blight resistance gene xa5 encodes a novel form of disease resistance. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 17:1348-54
7.Khoshkdaman, M., A.A. Ebadi, F. Majidi-Shilsar and S. Dariush. 2014. Preliminary evaluation of resistance genes in rice against bacterial leaf blight in Gilan Province-Iran. Agr. Sci. 5:94-98.
8.Kim, S.M., J.P. Suh, Y. Qin, T.H. Noh, R.F. Reinke and K.K. Jena. 2015. Identification and fine-mapping of a new resistance gene, Xa40, conferring resistance to bacterial blight races in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Theor. Appl. Genet., 128:1933-1943
9.Luo, Y., J.S. Sangha, S. Wang, Z. Li, J. Yang and Z. Yin. 2012. Marker-assisted breeding of Xa4, Xa21 and Xa27 in the restorer lines of hybrid rice for broad-spectrum and enhanced disease resistance to bacterial blight. Mol Breed. 30:1601–1610.
10.Sakaguchi, S. 1967. Linkage studies on the resistance to bacterial leaf blight Xamthomonas Oryzae Bull. Natl. Inst. Agric. Scl. D16:1-18
11.Song, W.Y., G.L. Wang, L.L. Chen, H.S. Kim, L.Y. Pi, T. Holsten, J. Gardner, B. Wang, W.X. Zhai, L.H. Zhu, C. Fauquet, P. Ronald. 1995. A receptor kinase like protein encoded by the rice disease resistance gene Xa21. Science 270:1804-1806.
12.Wang, G.L., W.Y. Song, D.L. Ruan, S. Sideris and P.C. Ronald. 1996. The cloned gene, Xa21, confers resistance to multiple Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae isolates in transgenic plants. Mol. Plant Microbiol inter. 9(9):850-855.
13.Xu, J.Y., J.F. Jiang, X.F. Dong, J. Ali, and T.M. Mou, 2012. Introgression of bacterial blight (BB) resistance genes Xa7 and Xa21 into popular restorer line and their hybrids by molecular marker-assisted backcross (MABC) selection scheme. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 11: 8225-8233.
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