首頁酪梨求知進一層國外酪梨研究期刊 國外酪梨研究期刊 序號 發布日期 標題 1. 98/09/09 油梨優良新品種及其栽培技術要點(引自China Tropical Agriculture) 2. 98/09/09 土耳其油梨嫁接法研究 (引自 中國期刊全文數據庫) 3. 98/09/09 鱷梨油化學成分的初步研究(引自中國期刊全文數據庫) 4. 98/09/09 Growing and Harvesting Under the Safest Condiyions (http://westpakavocado.com/) 5. 98/09/09 Grower Challenges Heating Up (http://westpakavocado.com/ ) 6. 98/09/09 Avocado Lace Bug (http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/) 7. 98/09/09 Avocado Growing in the Florida Home Landscape1(引自http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/) 8. 98/09/09 Avocado Lace Bug(引自http://cisr.ucr.edu/) 9. 98/09/03 Economic Trend Analysis of Avocados (ETAFERAHU TAKELE Cooperative Extension Farm Management Specialist,UCR) 10. 98/09/03 Economic Trends in the California Avocado Industry (Robert C. Rock and Robert G,Platt) 11. 98/09/03 Avocado Diseases of Major Importance Worldwide and their Management(L.J.Marais) 12. 98/08/25 Insect Management in Avocados(Jorge Pena and Freddie Johnson) 13. 98/08/25 California Avocado commission(Annual Report) 第 1/1 頁,共 13 筆每頁103070筆資料